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전국노래자랑 (영화) 영어로

"전국노래자랑 (영화)" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Born to Sing (2013 film)
  • 전국노래자랑    Korea Sings
  • 노래자랑    노래 자랑 (신인의) an amateur singing contest; [프로그램 이름] Amateur Singers on the Air.
  • 전국노동관계법    National Labor Relations Act of 1935
  • 전국노동자연합 전국노동자연합    Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
  • 전국노동조합총연합    Zenroren
  • 전국노동조합연락협의회 (1989년)    National Trade Union Council (Japan)
  • 자랑    자랑 pride; boast; boasting; brag; bragging. 제 고장 ~ boasting of[pride in] one's home town. ~삼아 for show[display] / for one's boast. 그녀는 부모의 ~이다 She's the pride (and joy) of her parents. 자기 ~은 아니지만 내 강
  • 전국    전국 [全國] the whole country[land]; [전국 각지] all parts of the country. ~의[적인] national / nationwide / countrywide. ~에서[으로부터] from all over the country. ~ 체육 대회 the National Sports[Athletic] Meet. 한파가 ~을
  • 매국노    매국노 [賣國奴] a traitor (to one's country); a betrayer (of one's country); a quisling. ~가 되다 turn traitor to one's country / sell[betray] one's country / become a quisling. 이 ~야 You traitor!
  • 백조의 노래 (영화)    Swan Song (1992 film)
  • 거래자    supplier; merchant; seller; dealer; businessman; trader
  • 달래자    propitiator
  • 자랑꾼    fanfaron; lectern; robert barr; brag; boaster
  • 힘자랑    힘자랑 boast of one's strength. ~하다 boast[be proud] of one's strength.
  • 고래자리 고래자리    Cetus
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